Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Week seven... part the first.

So far, I have been reading Forever Young Adult

And I have to say, so far, I just don't get it.  It appears to be written by older women who enjoyed young adult stuff,  but the posts seem to be pretty random,  except there appear to be a  lot of posts about:

The Gilmore Girls
Game of Thrones
Doctor Who

Now, it may be just me, but I never really associate Doctor Who OR Game of Thrones as anything primarily geared to young adults.  And, I think they are not watching the Gilmore girls, I believe they are REWATCHING the Gilmore Girls, and reiterating the plot lines after the fact.    I have to say, I have NEVER seen the Gilmore Girls, Game of Thrones,  and I tried to watch Nashville but thought it was a bit boring.  I do watch Doctor Who, so we have that in common, at least.   Oh, and Veronica Mars pops up a bit, too.   I would not discount Veronica Mars, I never saw it but I DID want to see it,  so I can read about it here.

This seems to me like a vanity blog and the writers just blog about what is interesting to them, but they have a following so go to it.     Nothing here that I find particularly interesting so I will move on to another blog, and see what I find.

Perhaps I would like it better with more Jennifer Hudson.

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